The Rat Catcher story

The Rat Catcher of Hameln

translated closely from a short  German version by Colin Arundel

In the Town of Hameln,  there was in the year 1284 a Great Plague.

Rats and mice in huge hordes came into the houses and ate all

the essential food stores.


Then came along one day, a remarkable man of colourful clothes,

and he promised to free the town of rats and mice.

The town's inhabitants were overjoyed and promised him a rich reward.


Now the man drew a flute from out of his cloak and thereon as he

blew upon it, out came all the Rats and mice from the houses and

followed behind him in a long train.


He led them all to the Weser, stood himself in the river, and the Rats

and mice followed him into the water, and all were drowned.


But when the Rat Catcher asked for his reward. Ah ! but the Mayor wished not to pay

so much as he had promised.      Angrily the man departed the town.


On the next Sunday he came back to Hameln.  All the townspeople were inside the Church, only the children were at home. As the the stranger again played his flute, out of the houses came all the children, singing, dancing and followed him. Above all there was also the beautiful grown up daughter of the Mayor.


He led them with him from the town, to a nearby Mountain.

Suddenly as the mountain opened up before them, they marched in, then it closed up again. A Nursemaid had seen it all, so brought the news to the town.  Now the Grownups rushed out, seeking their children,crying and shrieking.  But no one has ever seen the Rat Catcher and the children again.

28.07.2015                    translated closely from a short  German version by Colin Arundel

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